An arrangement where Pink Daisy Flower comprises white roses and lilies is nothing short of paradise. This bouquet comprises elegant pink gerbera daisies, Pink and White roses accompanied by greeneries, and filler flowers of various colors. Moreover, starting at just $105 is truly a handheld paradise.
Wrapped around in a pink-colored craft paper. This bouquet is a perfect gift choice for your loved one on Valentine’s Day, your mother on her birthday or Mother’s Day, or any other joyous occasion. However, the bouquet represents happiness, gentleness, love, reverence, humility, purity, and innocence, or sympathy for a bereavement.
Other occasions where this Pink Daisy Flower bouquet would truly fit in are Anniversary, New Born, Any events, Congratulations, Mother's Day, and Christmas. The greeneries perfectly accompany the colorful Pink and White roses making the bouquet even more appealing to the eyes. Moreover, the long-stemmed flowers are durable. And if kept away from direct sunlight and water regularly, can last for several weeks easily. Note that these flowers are subject to seasonal availability.
In accordance with our substitution policy, we make every effort to guarantee that the product you receive is as similar to the one seen as is humanly feasible. This includes the selection of flower kinds and colour palettes. Because of changes in the seasons and the availability of certain products, there may be times when a different flower or container has to be used. Our top concern is the overall appearance of the arrangement, including the colour scheme, and we will only make substitutes that are of equal or more value and are suitable. Only in situations in which the contents differ significantly from what was advertised will the consumer be alerted in advance. Please click here if you would like further information on our delivery services.